Wednesday 5 October 1988

Remembrance of the Daleks

Premise: The Doctor and Ace are caught up in a fierce battle on Earth between two violently opposing factions of Daleks, who will stop at nothing to destroy one another.

Notes: True to it's name, the serial is full of continuity references about both the Daleks and the Doctor. During the scene where Ace attacks a Dalek with a baseball bat, Sophie Aldred accident hit the real Dalek rather than the stunt one. This scene was then re-shot to the version seen in the actual episode.

Verdict: An action-packed romp from start to finish, Remembrance of the Daleks has practically everything you could ever want from a Dalek story. The reveal of Davros is nicely held back until the last possible moment which allows the Daleks to dominate their own story for once. Easily one of the best Doctor Who stories ever made 10/10

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