Wednesday 14 December 1988

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

Premise: The Doctor takes Ace to visit the Psychic Circus on Segonax. However the performers are under the influence of a malign power that thrives on amusement and entertainment...

Notes: An asbestos scare at the BBC left this story without a studio to be shot in which meant it was at risk of having the same fate as the uncompleted Shada. Luckily, the circus theme of the story meant that the interior scenes could be shot in a tent put up in a BBC car park. In many ways the Psychic Circus (and the story itself) can be seen as a parody for where the show was at at the time, not as popular as it used to be with the Gods of Ragnarok representing the BBC executives and Wizz Kid the obsessive fans.

Verdict: Proof that this was not a show that had outstayed its welcome, this story embraces childhood fears and creates new ones. The cast are on top form with particular praise going to Ian Reddington who makes what could've been a rather dull villain extremely memorable. The cliffhangers lack any sort of impact though 9/10

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